stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Extrapolation of the Australia child abuse numbers
by sir82 in(let me know if anyone thinks my assumptions are way out of line, or if i've forgotten anything).
basic facts:.
the australian royal commission has 1000+ documented cases of child abuse over 65 years.
stan livedeath
and this is jehovah's one true religion youre talking about-----right ? -
FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)
by freemindfade infor the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
stan livedeath
lets hope so Free
if you think about it----this could be a great opportunity for the arrogant asses running the cult to admit their faults--spin it to be jehovahs way of straightening things out--and use the opportunity to dump a lot more of the crazy rules and unpopular regs that cause them soo much trouble. maybe time for watchtower reborn ?
FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)
by freemindfade infor the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
stan livedeath
what else would you expect from a bunch of arrogant con men who claim to be the sole channel of communication between the Great Hole in the Sky and his only true cult. -
WT Australia Financial Report 2014
by LostGeneration incame across this in the stuff posted by the royal commission..
just downloaded it so i can't comment yet on the financials, would like to have a few of the financial minds on the board take a look and offer any opinions on their financial situation..
stan livedeath
lost generation-----that link above now says page not found -
Uh-Oh, JW's are confused by the news reporting... Getting texts from active members
by thedepressedsoul inyou can refer to me as a still in mole.
anyway, i've been getting texts from jw's about the australia news.
the general census is that the jw's are very, very confused.
stan livedeath
lets hope it wakes up the more intelligent --wealthier--elder types---these are the ones of most value to the cult. the thick--hard up---nodding head ---bums on seats are of little value and easily dispensable. -
JW Reaction to Royal Commission Reports
by maksutov inhas anybody confronted any jws with the royal commission reports on the news yet?
i showed my 8-year old daughter a newspaper headline about it, and when she told my jw wife that the jws in australia were in trouble for not reporting over 1,000 child abusers to police, her response was "oh, really?
well, i don't know what the rules are over there.
stan livedeath
said he didn't want to listen and might have to get 'help' from the elders to keep me quiet about it.
ha ha--lovely. just remember you hold the ace card in your relationship. lol
these books, want any? if not they go in the trash
by sowhatnow inworldwide security under the prince of peacegods eternal purpose now triumphinglife does have a purpose babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rulesyou can live forever on a paradise earththe secret to family happinessdid man get here by evolution of creationlet your kingdom comechoosing the best way of lifecommentary on the letter of jamesi have one of each.. the bible gods word or mansis the bible really the word of godsurvival into a new earthknowledge that leads to everlasting lifereasoningunited in worshipholy spirit the force behind the coming new orderthe two babylon'sparadise lost originalyou can live forever on a paradise earth first large print edition 1982 revelation book 1988 large print.
stan livedeath
thers loads of watchtower crap i dumped in the local landfill site---help yourself lol -
Dragging Jehovah's name trough the mud!
by truthseekeriam inlistening to the first survivor testify to the australian royal commission really brought back some feelings i had put aside.. the feelings of guilt you feel for doing the right thing is extremely hard even when you know it's illogical it doesn't stop the abuse you do to yourself with these toxic thoughts of "dragging jehovah's name through the mud" i guess it doesn't help that you have the elders freaking out saying "reproach, reproach...this is bad!!
it took quite awhile for me to come to terms with how completely ridicules it is to think jehovah would want this hidden.
the truth is the religion wants it hidden and they are perfectly fine with destroying lives along the way!!
stan livedeath
bringing reproach on jehovahs name----
ha ha----cant the almighty god do something about it ? or maybe the watchtower society arent being too honest about it.
Horrible Bosses
by John Aquila ini just heard this a few minutes ago by a jw friend who is still an elder in my old hall.
the kingdom hall i used to attend and my mom still attends was paid off many years ago and serves about 6 congregations.
one of the english congregations has a lot of financially well of members.
stan livedeath
oh what a joy to read--thank you so much john aquila. -
So heres latest from local hall
by poopie ina friend of mine that is df went to hall today someone held door for him he thanked them ,soon after and elder aproached wispered in his ear "you cant talk to anyone" the pharisees .
stan livedeath
i dont know why--if a d/f person really needs to get back inside the cult---why not simply make contact with a literature cart attendant---in a different location / town----and start a bible study--attend a few meetings--and take it from there. see how it goes. just create a fake ID